What Injured Workers Need to Know

The minutes, hours and weeks after a construction injury can be extremely confusing. Who will pay your medical bills? What if you cannot go back to work? Who is responsible for the accident? How will your family move on without your wages? One thing is for certain: there are most questions than answers.
To protect rights and the interests of your loved ones, it is crucial to understand your rights and have a proven personal injury lawyer fighting for them. In New York City, that means getting in touch with the accomplished advocates at Block O’Toole & Murphy. We provide tenacious representation to injured construction workers and have obtained more than $2 billion in verdicts and settlements on behalf of the injured.
The Insurance Company Is Not On Your Side
One thing you need to know immediately is that the insurance company is not looking out for your interests. The people you talk to may be friendly and they may even want to see you get better, but their interest is in the bottom line of the insurance company. When there is a conflict between what’s best for you and what’s best for the insurance company, they’ll always choose the latter.
That’s why it is so important to have a personal injury attorney looking out for you. At Block O’Toole & Murphy, we focus our effort and resources on maximizing the compensation our clients are entitled to for their medical bills and other accident-related damages.
Get Answers To Your Questions
Please see the information below for answers to common questions of injured workers. If you have questions not listed here, be sure to contact the NYC injury lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy. Call 212-736-5300 to schedule a FREE, no-obligation consultation.