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$2,650,000 For A Local 3 Union Electrician Who Injured His Back


Our client was an electrician foreman employed by a subcontractor during the construction of a large building in downtown Manhattan. While descending one of the building’s interior staircases, our client tripped and fell after stepping into a shallow, rectangular shaped depression that existed on one of the stairway’s landings. We pursued claims on the client’s behalf against the building owner, general contractor and the company who had installed the staircase itself.


Supreme Court, New York County

To learn more, call Block O’Toole & Murphy at 212-736-5300 or contact us online for a FREE consultation.


The client was a 48 year old Local 3 Union Electrician at the time of his accident


Our client had a history of pre-accident lower back pain and treatment, but had continued working up to the time of this accident. After the accident, despite his aggravated low back pain, he continued working for 2 and ½ months, until his pain reached a level where he felt he could no longer work. He ultimately began treating his lower back pain with therapy and medications, and came under the care of a spine surgeon, who recommended and performed a 2-level lumbar fusion surgery, with three subsequent revision surgeries. The man claimed that his back injuries disabled him from his prior employment as an electrician, and sought damages for his related lost earnings, medical expenses and pain and suffering.


Prior to trial, our lawyers secured a $2,650,000 settlement for our client.

This case was handled by Partners Stephen J. Murphy (lead) and David L. Scher.

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