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$1,000,000 for 19-Year-Old Injured in Car Accident

Supreme Kings

19 year old unemployed male, who occasionally worked as a laborer prior to the accident and as a newspaper deliver person sporadically after the accident

The plaintiff was a front seatbelted passenger in a car driven by his cousin which lost control, striking a median and then crossing three travel lanes, striking a guard rail and becoming airborne. The car ultimately struck a tree. The plaintiff had a short loss of consciousness (as witnessed by a non party witness). The rear seated passenger died in the accident, but was not represented by this law firm and was not involved in this settlement.

The plaintiff sustained an injury to his right shoulder requiring arthroscopic surgery. The plaintiff sustained a disc herniation to his cervical spine, though he never received any therapy or treatment for the condition. The defendant radiologist and one of the plaintiff’s own treating physicians characterized the pathology as a bulge rather than a herniation. The Plaintiff also suffered from a post concussion syndrome which caused memory problems, sleeping difficulties and depression.


This matter was handled by Daniel P. O’Toole and settled two days prior to the commencement of jury selection.

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