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- Crucial Next Steps After a Ladder Fall
- Despite Slight Uptick in Injuries and Accidents, NYC Mass Transit is Among the Best
- Distracted Driving: A Serious Problem in New York
- Filing an Auto Insurance Claim: What to Expect
- Frequently Asked Questions About Construction Accidents
- Injured in a Store
- Injuries To Women In Construction
- Ladder Falls at Work: What Are My Legal Rights?
- New York City Truck Crashes
- New York Scaffolding Law Reform: A Step Backward In Worker Safety
- Pedestrian Accidents On The Rise In New York City
- Pedestrian Hit by Car: Next Steps
- Preventing Truck Accidents
- Proposal to Prevent Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents
- Reducing Rates of Pedestrian-Car Accidents a Challenge for NYC
- Scaffold Accidents: What Are A Worker's Legal Rights?
- Scaffolding and OSHA Regulations
- Statistics About New York Truck Accidents Fail To Tell The Whole Story
- Take steps to prevent dangerous NY crane accidents
- The Truck Accident Victim's Guide: Protecting Yourself After a Collision With a Tractor-Trailer
- To Prevent Truck Accidents, Drivers Need to Know NYC is Different
- Traumatic Brain Injuries a Significant Public Health Problem
- What to Do If You’ve Been Hit by a Vehicle While Biking
- Why Intersections Can Be Dangerous
- Attorneys
- Aaron Fishkin
- Cameron McCrum
- Christina (Mark) Mercado
- Christopher Soverow
- Daniel P. O’Toole
- David B. Lever
- David L. Scher
- David Smith
- Frederick C. Aranki
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- James Coscia
- Jeffrey A. Block
- Joshua Stern
- Kristian Krober
- Michael J. Hurwitz
- Olga Baginski
- Pawel P. Wierzbicki
- Ravi Sattiraju
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- Block O'Toole & Murphy was the chief sponsor of an Autumn Wine Tasting Event to benefit St. Jude
- Breezy Point clean up from Storm Sandy
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- ¿Peatón atropellado por un vehÃculo? Lo que necesita saber.
- $11 Millones Para Trabajador de Construcción de Brooklyn Herido en el Trabajo
- $15,000,000 Acuerdo en Caso de Muerte Injusta
- $20,181,484 Veredicto en Accidente de Coche Causado por Carreteras Heladas
- Abogados
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- Abogados para Carpinteros Lesionados en el Trabajo
- Abogados Que Hablan Español
- Accidente de Autobús de MTA
- Accidente Laboral: Próximos Pasos Si Has Sido Lesionado
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- Accidentes por CaÃda de Objetos
- Acuerdo de $11.5 millones para un Trabajador en Caso de Construcción en el Bronx
- Acuerdo de $12,000,000 para Trabajador Herido en CaÃda en Manhattan
- Acuerdo de $13.5 Millones Peatón Herida en Accidente de Coche
- Acuerdo de $22,500,000 para Conductor Herido en Colisión Frontal
- Acuerdo de $4,600,000 para Hernia de Disco de Accidente de Trafico
- Atropellado por Camión de Amazon: ¿Quién es Legalmente Responsable?
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- CaÃdas Desde Andamios: Derechos legales en Nueva York
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- Ley Laboral 200
- Ley Laboral 240
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- Trabajadores de la Construcción Indocumentados: Derechos Legales
- Verdictos y Acuerdos
- Veredicto de $110 Millones para Cliente Paralizado en Accidente
- Veredicto de $14 Millones: Amputación de Pierna Después de Accidente de Coche
- Veredicto de Accidente de Auto Más Grande en Long Island, Nueva York
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- WYNIKI - Rezultaty za wypadki na budowie
- WYNIKI - Sprawy Cywilne
- WYNIKI - Wypadki Drogowe
- Premier Personal Injury Law Firm in New York
- Premises Liability
- Amusement Park Accidents
- Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents
- Ceiling Collapse
- Explosions
- Fire Safety Issues & Code Violations
- Guide to Slip and Fall Injury Lawsuits
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- Liability for Inadequate Security
- Manhole Accidents
- Negligent Security
- Negligent Security FAQs
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- Types of Negligent Security Cases
- Types of Premises Liability Accidents
- Press
- Appellate Court Upholds Multi-Million Dollar Award For Injured Construction Worker
- Block O'Toole & Murphy Partner Daniel O'Toole Honored
- Block O'Toole & Murphy Recognized in New York Magazine
- Block O'Toole & Murphy, LLP, Listed in New York Law Journal's Top New York Settlements of 2013
- Daniel O'Toole Recognized for Enormous 2005 Verdict
- Firm Obtains $8.8 Million Settlement For Queens Pedestrian Accident Victim
- Good Samaritan Files Suit For Injuries Sustained In LIRR Collision At Railroad Crossing
- Good Samaritan Verdict Honored Among Biggest New York Verdicts
- Injured Viet vet awarded $32M, Reports Newsday
- Newsday Highlights Record-Setting Nassau County Motorcycle Accident Verdict
- NY Writer Denis Hamill Congratulates Firm & Attorney Stephen Murphy
- Personal Injury Lawyers at Block O'Toole & Murphy Recognized in New York Magazine
- Record Verdict Procured by Stephen Murphy & Daniel O'Toole Profiled in Press
- Six Hurt in Harlem as Van Hits Scaffold
- Super Lawyers: Block and O'Toole Named Among Top 5% of Lawyers
- What Does an Injured Railroad Worker Need to Know?
- Public Transportation Accidents
- Serious Injuries
- Spanish Overview - New York City NY Attorneys
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- Truck Accidents
- Causes of Truck Accidents
- Cell Phone Use By Truck Drivers
- Failure to Maintain a Commercial Vehicle
- Federal Trucking Regulations
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- Large Truck Accidents
- New York Tow Truck Accident Attorneys
- Overloaded Trucks
- Steps Following a Truck Accident
- Truck Accident FAQs
- Truck Accident Law
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- Truck Accident Liability
- Truck Accident Resources
- Truck Company Negligence
- Truck Driver Fatigue
- Truck Driver Negligence
- Truck Manufacturer Negligence
- Types of Tractor-Trailer Accidents
- Underride Accidents
- Types of Construction Accidents
- Bricklayer And Masonry Accidents
- Building Collapse
- Carpenter Accidents
- Construction Safety Gear
- Construction Site Falls
- Crane Accidents
- Crane Accidents: Facts and Statistics
- Debris on Stairs or in Work Areas
- Defective Ladders
- Defective Power Tools
- Demolition Accidents
- Dropped Loads From Trucks or Cranes
- Electrocution Accidents
- Excavation Accidents
- Falling Debris Accidents
- Falling Object Accidents
- Faulty Stairs
- Fires & Explosions
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- Holes in Construction Floors
- Improper Cleanup & Maintenance
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- Saw or Cutting Blade Accidents
- Scaffold Collapses
- Scaffolding Accidents
- Slips, Trips & Falls
- Staging Collapses
- Struck-By Accidents
- Trench Accidents
- Tunnel Accidents
- Undocumented/Illegal Worker Accidents
- Wall & Roof Collapses
- Welding Accidents
- Window Installation Accidents
- Worn or Defective Rope or Cable
- Types of Medical Malpractice
- Undocumented Construction Workers: Legal Rights
- Vehicle Accidents
- Verdicts & Settlements
- $1 Million Settlement for Victim of Sagging Ceiling Collapse in Her Bronx Apartment
- $1 Million Settlement for Victim of Truck Accident, Despite Defendant's Bankruptcy
- $1,000,000 Awarded to 38-Year-Old Injured in Medical Procedure
- $1,000,000 for 19-Year-Old Injured in Car Accident
- $1,000,000 for a Woman Who Suffered Multiple Surgeries Following Medical Malpractice
- $1,000,000 For Plumber Who Fell From Extension Ladder
- $1,000,000 for Women Hit by Tractor Trailer
- $1,000,000 Settlement Awarded to Car Accident Victim
- $1,000,000 Settlement For 35 Year-Old Truck Loader
- $1,000,000 Settlement for Pedestrian that Fell Over Raised Sidewalk
- $1,000,000 Settlement for Wife of Pedestrian in Wrongful Death Action
- $1,000,000 Settlement for Worker Who Fractured Leg in 12-Foot Fall
- $1,000,075 Settlement for a Woman Who Suffered an Injury to Her Gallbladder During Laparoscopic Surgery
- $1,050,000 For A Queens Woman Injured In A Collision With A Truck
- $1,060,000 for Worker After Aggravated Back Injury in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1,075,000.00 Settlement for Passenger Who Injured His Neck
- $1,097,000 for Delivery Man Injured in Tractor Trailer Accident
- $1,100,000 Settlement for Ironworker Hurt by Falling Object
- $1,150,000 Settlement in Injury Lawsuit for Broken Elbow
- $1,175,000 Settlement For HVAC Mechanic Who Suffered Tibia Fractures
- $1,175,000 Settlement in Nassau County Rear-End Accident
- $1,175,000 Settlement in Store Injury Case
- $1,198,000 for Man Injured in Car Accident
- $1,200,000 Awarded to Delivery Man Injured in Motor Vehicle Crash
- $1,200,000 Recovery For 53-Year-Old in Suffolk Country Suit
- $1,200,000 Settlement in T-Bone Collision
- $1,200,000 Settlement Trip Fall at Work
- $1,204,087 for a laborer that lost portions of four toes when a co-worker lowered a blade on his foot during excavation work
- $1,243,000 for Union Worker Crushed by Unsecured Box
- $1,250,000 Awarded to 35-Year-Old After Rear-end Accident
- $1,250,000 Awarded to Female Injured in Car Accident
- $1,250,000 Awarded to Women in Misdiagnosis Case
- $1,250,000 for Bicycle Messenger Injured in SUV Accident
- $1,250,000 For Electrician Who Fell From A Ladder
- $1,250,000 Settlement for Driver Injured in Old Brookville Car CrashÂ
- $1,250,000 Settlement for Driver Rear-Ended by Commercial Box Truck
- $1,250,000 Settlement Front End Loader Accident
- $1,250,000 Settlement: Nassau County Pedestrian Accident Case
- $1,250,000 to Car Accident Victim with Lower Back Pain
- $1,260,000 Awarded to Cleaner Injured in Auto Accident
- $1,275,000 Settlement for Fractures to Proximal Humerus & Elbow
- $1,275,000 Settlement: Client Hit by Pizza Delivery Vehicle
- $1,275,000 Settlement: Pedestrian Accident in Bay Ridge
- $1,281,000 Recovery for Broken Pelvis After Car Accident
- $1,300,000 for Passenger in Queens Car Crash
- $1,300,000 Settlement For A Brooklyn Bicyclist Struck By A Van, Aggravating Prior Neck and Back Injuries
- $1,325,000 for a carpenter that fell off a ladder that was leaning against a wall on top of a scaffold
- $1,325,000 For Worker With Lacerations from Falling Glass
- $1,325,000 Settlement for a Painter Who Injured His Back When a Balcony Collapsed at a Manhattan Apartment Building
- $1,325,000 Settlement: Motor Vehicle Accident in Queens, NY
- $1,350,000 Awarded to Mechanic Injured on the Job
- $1,350,000 for a day laborer in Rockland County that fell from a roof
- $1,350,000 for Pedestrian Injured in School Bus Accident
- $1,350,000 Settlement For A Brooklyn Laborer Who Injured His Back
- $1,350,000 Settlement for NYC Yellow Cab Driver in Rear-End Accident
- $1,350,000 Settlement for Victim of Three Car Rear-End Collision
- $1,400,000 Awarded in Negligent Hospital Security Case
- $1,400,000 for a carpenter that lost the tips of two fingers in a saw blade accident
- $1,400,000 for Bus Accident Victim
- $1,400,000 Settlement For 69 Year-Old Asbestos Worker
- $1,400,000 Settlement for Union Ironworker Who Suffered Leg Injury Due to Falling Beam
- $1,410,000 For A Married Couple Who Injured Their Necks In A Rear-End Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1,450,000 Awarded to Woman Injured in Apartment Ceiling Collapse
- $1,450,000 Recovered After Bus Accident for Brooklyn Art Teacher
- $1,450,000 Settlement for Passenger Injured in Bronx, NY Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1,475,000 Awarded to Injured Hospital Employee
- $1,475,000 for a Brooklyn produce delivery man, whose head, neck and shoulder were injured after a piece of equipment was dropped from a roof and struck him
- $1,475,000 for Mother Injured in Motor Vehicle Crash
- $1,500,000 Awarded to Teacher Injured in Rear-End Collision
- $1,500,000 Awarded to Victim Injured in Hospital Assault
- $1,500,000 for a Bronx Tenant Who Tripped Over a Stair in His Apartment Building
- $1,500,000 for Back Injuries, Including Bulging Discs, After Car Crash
- $1,500,000 for Broken Bones After Car Accident
- $1,500,000 for Client Injured on Department of Corrections Bus
- $1,500,000 for Client Whose Car Was Hit by MTA Bus
- $1,500,000 for Driver Injured in Rear-End Crash
- $1,500,000 for Female Pedestrian
- $1,500,000 For Motorcycle Accident Victim
- $1,500,000 for Slip and Fall on Snow
- $1,500,000 for Woman Hit by NYPD Tow Truck
- $1,500,000 Million Dollar Result for Suffolk Mother in Car Accident
- $1,500,000 Settlement against the State of New York for Wrongful Death of Man Killed in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1,500,000 Settlement Awarded to Women Injured in Queens Auto Accident
- $1,500,000 Settlement for a 59-Year-Old Pedestrian Struck by a City-Owned Vehicle
- $1,500,000 Settlement for Local 46 Ironworker Injured in Workplace Fall
- $1,500,000 Settlement for Man Injured in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1,500,000 Settlement for NYC Pedestrian Hit in Crosswalk
- $1,500,000 Settlement in NYC Street Sweeper Accident
- $1,500,000 Settlement in Slip and Fall on Ice Lawsuit
- $1,525,000 for Flagman Struck By Car While Controlling Traffic
- $1,600,000 Awarded to Carpenter Injured in Car Accident
- $1,600,000 Recovered for 17 Year-Old Girl Injured in Car Crash
- $1,600,000 Settlement for Bronx Worker Who Fell From a Ladder and Required Spine and Shoulder Surgeries
- $1,600,000 Settlement: Client Injured in Brooklyn Bus Accident
- $1,640,000 for Taxi Passenger Injured in Crash
- $1,650,000 Awarded in Wrongful Death Fire
- $1,650,000 Awarded to Family of Wrongful Death Victim
- $1,650,000 Awarded to Nurse Injured in Auto Accident
- $1,675,000 Awarded To Brooklyn Tailor After Rear-End Accident
- $1,675,000 Settlement for a Woman Hurt in Crash with Delivery Truck
- $1,680,000 Award for Crash Victim After Other Driver Ran a Red Light
- $1,700,000 for Iron Worker Injured in Car Crash
- $1,700,000 Settlement for a 58 year old Bronx Pedestrian
- $1,715,496.06 Settlement for a Driver Rear-Ended at a Red Light
- $1,750,000 Awarded to 26-Year-Old Injured in Rear-End Collision
- $1,750,000 Awarded to Driver Struck While Stopped in Traffic
- $1,750,000 Compensation for Broken Arm in Personal Injury Case
- $1,750,000 for a Carpenter Permanently Injured by Ladder Fall
- $1,750,000 for a Mother Injured in a Dump Truck Accident
- $1,750,000 Settlement for City Sanitation Worker and Wife Who Suffered Neck Injuries in Collision With Truck
- $1,750,000 Settlement for Deliveryman Who Slipped on Wet Floor
- $1,750,000 Settlement for Security Officer Who Sustained Spine & Knee Injuries Requiring Surgery
- $1,750,000 Settlement in Fatal Pedestrian Accident Case
- $1,750,000 Settlement in Low Speed Rear-End Collision Case
- $1,750,000 Settlement in Suffolk County Car Accident
- $1,750,000 Verdict for Carpenter Injured in Right-Hand Turn Accident
- $1,800,000 Awarded after Bad Faith Claim
- $1,800,000 Awarded to Victim of Construction Site Collision
- $1,800,000 For Passenger Injured in Crash on FDR Drive
- $1,823,000 Award for Bulging Discs in Neck After Car Crash
- $1,850,000 for a foreman that lost the tips of two fingers while rigging and hoisting a load
- $1,850,000 Million Settlement for Worker Who Fell from Pull-Down Ladder
- $1,850,000 Settlement for Laminectomy After On-the-Job Accident
- $1,850,000 Settlement for Long Island Expressway Crash
- $1,875,000 Settlement for Driver Rear-Ended by Large Mack Truck
- $1,900,000 Compensation for Shoulder Injury Requiring Surgery
- $1,900,000 Settlement for Woman Who Suffered Back and Neck Injuries in a Slip and Fall Accident
- $1,900,000 Settlement Injured Back at Work
- $1,941,000 Awarded to Woman Injured in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1,950,000 Awarded to Man Injured during Surgery
- $1,950,000 Settlement for Worker in Manhattan Scaffold Accident
- $1,950,000 Settlement: Staircase Fall at Apartment Building
- $1,975,000 Settlement For A Construction Laborer Who Fell During A Warehouse Renovation Project In Brooklyn
- $1,975,000 Settlement for Woman Injured in T-Bone AccidentÂ
- $1,995,000 Result for Driver Who Fell into Construction Site HoleÂ
- $1.3 Million for Passenger in Car Accident - Drivers at Fault
- $1.3 Million For Pedestrian Who Suffered Leg Fractures
- $1.3 Million Result: Near Blindness from Construction Eye Injury
- $1.35 Million Herniated Disc Car Accident Settlement
- $1.4 Million Result: Orange County, NY Construction Accident
- $1.49 Million Settlement for Client Hurt in School Bus Crash
- $1.5 Million Compensation for Child in School Injury Lawsuit
- $1.5 Million Recovery: Car Accident in Flatbush, Brooklyn
- $1.5 Million Settlement During Mediation in Personal Injury Lawsuit
- $1.5 Million Settlement for Client Hurt in Hoboken Train Crash
- $1.5 Million Settlement in New York Elevator Negligence Case
- $1.6 Million Settlement for Carpenter Injured in Fall After His Scaffold Tipped Over
- $1.6 Million Settlement: Client Hit by Anheuser Busch Truck
- $1.6 Million Settlement: Client Injured While Driving Rental Car
- $1.625 Million Settlement in Lawsuit for Fractured Ribs and Back Injuries
- $1.75 Million Settlement for Bus Passenger Accident Claim
- $1.75 Million Settlement for Union Laborer Injured During Con Edison Street Opening Project
- $1.75 Million Settlement for Woman Injured at Queens Intersection
- $1.8 Million Settlement in NY Financial District Construction Accident
- $1.85 Million for Woman Sideswiped by 18-Wheeler
- $1.85 Million Settlement for Nerve Root Impingement After Car Crash
- $1.85 Million Settlement in Albany Construction Accident Case
- $1.9 Million Result for Local 1 Bricklayer Injured on the Job
- $1.9 Million Settlement for Driver Hit by Car at an Intersection
- $1.92 Million Settlement in Nassau County Car Crash Case
- $10,875,000 Settlement For Union Laborer
- $10.5 Million Settlement: Compensation for Death at Work
- $11 Million Settlement for Brooklyn Construction Worker Hurt on Job Site
- $11.5 Million Settlement: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in Wrist
- $110 Million Verdict for Brooklyn Cyclist Paralyzed During Subway Maintenance
- $12,000,000 Awarded to Car Accident Victim
- $12,000,000 Settlement for Local 147 Worker Hurt on Construction Site
- $13.5 Million for Pedestrian Struck by Company-Owned Vehicle
- $14,000,000 for Motorcyclist Hit By Truck
- $15 Million Settlement in Tragic Wrongful Death Case
- $2 Million Settlement: Lower East Side Construction Accident
- $2,000,000 Award for Painter Hurt in Ladder Fall at Manhattan Building
- $2,000,000 Award to Masonry Laborer Hurt on the Job in Nassau County
- $2,000,000 Awarded to 19-Year-Old Injured in Car Crash
- $2,000,000 Awarded to Family of Motor Vehicle Accident Victim
- $2,000,000 Awarded to Security Guard Injured in Car Collision
- $2,000,000 for a dietary aide who injured his back in an elevator accident
- $2,000,000 for an Electrician Injured by Falling HVAC DuctÂ
- $2,000,000 for Victim in Rear-End Accident on LI Expressway
- $2,000,000 Recovered by Union Carpenter After Work-Related Fall
- $2,000,000 Settlement for Auto Accident Victim Who Was Hit by a Car That Ran a Red Light
- $2,005,000 for Woman Injured in Accident with Ambulance
- $2,056,656 Jury Verdict for Teacher Struck by a City Bus
- $2,100,000 Award For A Bicyclist Struck By City Sanitation Truck Causing Multiple Fractures and Back Injuries
- $2,100,000 for Man Injured in Pedestrian Accident
- $2,100,000 Settlement New York Trench Collapse
- $2,150,000 for woman injured in left-turn collision
- $2,150,000 Settlement for Woman Injured in Nassau County Auto Collision
- $2,195,000 Settlement for Worker Injured in Fall on Orange County, NY Work Site
- $2,200,000 For Plumber's Assistant Injured In Ladder Fall On Site Of New Construction
- $2,200,000 for Sanitation Supervisor Injured on the Job
- $2,200,000 Settlement for 62-Year-Old Pedestrian
- $2,200,000 Settlement for Worker Hurt in Queens Construction Project
- $2,225,000 Compensation for Passenger Who Suffered Serious Lower Back Injuries After a Collision
- $2,250,000 Awarded to Employee Injured on the Job
- $2,250,000 Awarded to Man Injured in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $2,250,000 Awarded to NYC Gym Member Injured During Personal Training Session
- $2,250,000 for 68-Year-Old Injured during Back Surgery
- $2,250,000 for a 60 year old window washer who fell from a Manhattan building and suffered left arm and hip fractures
- $2,250,000 Settlement After Tenant Suffers Personal Injury at Rental Property
- $2,250,000 Settlement for Worker with for L4-L5 and L5-S1 Back Injuries
- $2,250,000 Settlement in Westchester Construction Accident
- $2,270,000 Verdict For 51 Year Old Female Brooklyn Car Collision Victim
- $2,300,000 Award For Infant That Suffered An Injury To Large Colon Due To Negligence Of Pediatrician To Result In $18,074,933.08 Payout Over Infant's Lifetime
- $2,300,000 Settlement For Brooklyn Man in Ceiling Collapse
- $2,300,000 Settlement in Lawsuit for Severe Foot Injuries
- $2,325,000 Awarded to Injured Motorcycle Rider
- $2,400,000 Awarded to Man Injured in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $2,400,000 Settlement for Herniated Disc Injuries After Work-Related Accident
- $2,400,000 Settlement for Local 1010 Union Laborer Injured in Work Accident
- $2,450,000 for Man Injured in Motorcycle Collision
- $2,500,000 Awarded to Student Injured in Auto Accident
- $2,500,000 Awarded to Woman Hit by a Truck
- $2,500,000 for Local 78 Laborer Injured on the Job
- $2,500,000 for Man Injured in Auto Accident
- $2,500,000 for Union Metal Polisher Who Suffered Neck and Back Injuries
- $2,500,000 for Woman Injured in Truck Accident
- $2,500,000 Settlement for Client in Chain Rear-End Collision
- $2,500,000 Settlement for Cyclist Hurt in Accident Involving Access-A-Ride Van
- $2,500,000 Settlement for Man With Herniated Discs at C5/C6 After Rear-End Collision
- $2,545,000 in Wrongful Death Case
- $2,550,000 Awarded to Victims of Trucking Accidents
- $2,558,000 Settlement in Wrongful Death Car Crash Case
- $2,600,000 for a union laborer that fell from a scaffold and aggravating a prior back injury
- $2,600,000 Million for Local 79 Worker Hurt in Demolition Accident
- $2,625,000 For Couple Killed In Tragic Auto Accident
- $2,640,000 For 51-Year-Old Construction Worker
- $2,650,000 Awarded to Auto Accident Victim
- $2,650,000 For A Local 3 Union Electrician Who Injured His Back
- $2,650,000 Settlement in Bronx Scaffolding Accident Lawsuit
- $2,700,000 For a Union Roofer Who Fractured His Leg and Back
- $2,700,000 for NYC Local 1 Union Plumber After Work Accident
- $2,700,000 Settlement for Man Who Sustained Back and Knee Injuries
- $2,750,000 Awarded to 20-Year-Old Car Accident Victim
- $2,750,000 for Woman Injured in Trip and Fall on Uneven Sidewalk
- $2,750,000 Settlement for an HVAC Worker with Broken Bones After a Ladder Fall
- $2,750,000 Settlement for NYC Resident in Landlord Negligence Case
- $2,760,000 Settlement: Car Accident with UPS Truck
- $2,825,000 Settlement for Non-Union Bricklayer with Severe Injuries After a Fall
- $2,840,000 for NYPD Employee who was Injured in Car Accident
- $2,900,000 for HVAC Worker Who Suffered a Fracture After a Ladder Fall
- $2,925,000 Recovered in Side Impact Collision Case
- $2.15 Million Settlement for Fractured Wrist and Foot in Work-Related Accident
- $2.25 Million Settlement in Apartment Slip & Fall Case
- $2.25 Million Settlement in Pedestrian and Bus Collision Case
- $2.25 Million Settlement in Wrongful Death Bus Accident Case
- $2.3 Million Settlement for Bicyclist Killed by a TruckÂ
- $2.3 Million Settlement for Family of Fatal Bicycle Accident Victim
- $2.4 Million Result: Trip and Fall on Midtown Construction Site
- $2.45 Million Settlement for Client After 4-Car Accident
- $2.5 Million Settlement for Cyclist Doored in New York
- $2.5 Million Settlement in Third-Party Lawsuit for Work-Related Injury
- $2.5 Million Settlement in Work Accident Case for Severe Hand Injuries
- $2.5 Million Settlement Recovered for Client in Tractor Trailer Accident Lawsuit
- $2.6 Million for Worker Injured in Fall from Ladder
- $2.7 Million Settlement for Injured Pedestrian in Uneven Pavement Lawsuit
- $2.75 Million Settlement for Worker Hurt During Renovation Project
- $2.75 Million Settlement in NYC Sanitation Truck Accident
- $2.8 Million Car Accident Settlement for Broken Bones, Including Fractured Clavicle
- $2.85 Million Settlement for Local 79 Union Laborer Who Fell at a Manhattan Construction Site
- $2.875 Million for Client Who Required a Discectomy After an On-the-Job Accident
- $20,181,484 Verdict For Man Injured in Collision Caused by Icy Road Condition
- $22,500,000 Settlement for Man Injured in Car Accident Caused by Icy Roadway
- $3 Million Settlement for Ulnar Nerve Damage & Other Injuries After Work Accident
- $3 Million Settlement for Worker with Severe Ankle Injuries After On-the-Job Accident
- $3,000,000 For Carpenter Who Sustained Wrist and Head Injuries in Ladder Fall
- $3,000,000 for Electrician Hurt in Fall from A-Frame Ladder
- $3,000,000 Settlement for Client Injured in Westchester County Tractor Trailer Accident
- $3,000,000 Settlement For Construction Site Fall
- $3,000,000 Settlement for Man Injured in Motor Vehicle Accident with MTA Bus
- $3,000,000 Settlement in Bronx Case for Scaffold & Ladder Collapse Injury
- $3,000,000 Settlement in T-Bone Auto Accident Case
- $3,000,000 Settlement: Crash Involving Government Vehicle
- $3,000,000 Settlement: Truck Crash in Brooklyn Intersection
- $3,075,000 Awarded to Union Plumber Injured by Falling Gravel
- $3,075,000 Settlement for NYC Mechanic Injured While Making Repairs
- $3,125,000 Awarded to Injured Hotel Employee
- $3,175,000 Settlement to Queens Delivery Truck Driver Struck by Forklift
- $3,200,000 for a Brooklyn Demolition Worker Injured on the Job When a Staircase Broke
- $3,200,000 Settlement for Window Installer with Elbow, Shoulder, & Spine Injuries After Construction Site Fall
- $3,250,000 for Union Laborer After Worksite Floor Collapse
- $3,250,000 Settlement for a Construction Worker After Ladder Fall
- $3,258,000 Verdict for Man Struck by Forklift
- $3,300,000 Settlement For Union Laborer In Westchester County
- $3,375,000 Settlement for Truck Operator Rear-Ended While Stopped
- $3,400,000 for Man Struck by NYC Parks Department Vehicle
- $3,400,000 For Union Carpenter In NYC Hi-Rise Construction Accident
- $3,411,000 For a Building Superintendent Injured By a Brick That Fell From a Scaffold
- $3,450,000 Settlement for Carpenter Who Slipped on the JobÂ
- $3,450,000 Settlement: Leg & Hip Injuries, Including Trimalleolar Fracture
- $3,500,000 for a journeyman that sustained a head injury while constructing a scaffold
- $3,500,000 for Car Accident Victim who Suffered Back and Knee Injuries
- $3,500,000 for Worker Who Suffered a TBI in a Ladder Fall
- $3,500,000 Settlement for Client in Premises Liability Case
- $3,500,000 Settlement for Man Injured in Accident With Sanitation Truck
- $3,500,000 Settlement for Pedestrian Struck by Falling Limestone Cement in Manhattan
- $3,600,000 for Worker Who Fell From Unsafe Scaffolding
- $3,625,000 Million Dollar Result for Queens Worker Injured in Ladder Fall

- $3,700,000 For An Asbestos Worker Who Fell From A Scaffold
- $3,720,000 Settlement for Glass Worker Hurt in Work Accident in Queens
- $3,750,000.00 Settlement For A Non-Union Laborer
- $3,800,000 Award in Long Island Products Liability Case for Injured Driver
- $3,925,000 Settlement for Injured "Good Samaritan" in Locomotive, Tractor-Trailer Collision at Railroad Crossing
- $3.1 Million Settlement in Lawsuit for Injuries Requiring Back Surgery
- $3.25 Million Result After Head-On Collision with NYCTA Bus
- $3.5 Million Car Accident Settlement for Injuries Requiring Back Surgery
- $30 Million NY Child Victims Act Verdict
- $32,756,156 for Injured Vietnam Vet
- $4 Million Dollar Settlement in Auto Accident Lawsuit
- $4 Million in Compensation for Burst Fracture in Vertebrae
- $4 Million Result for Bronx Worker Injured in Scaffold Fall
- $4 Million Settlement for Pedestrian Knocked Down by a Car
- $4,000,000 Awarded after Child Suffered a Birth Injury
- $4,000,000 for a steamfitter injured after becoming entangled in a water pump
- $4,000,000 for Teen Injured in Pedestrian Accident
- $4,000,000 Settlement for Ankle Fusion Surgery After Ladder Fall
- $4,000,000 Settlement for Injuries Resulting in Spinal Stenosis
- $4,000,000 Settlement for Permanent Injury After Auto Accident
- $4,000,000 Verdict Awarded to Injured Lead Inspector
- $4,100,000 Result: Auto Accident on Robert F. Kennedy Bridge
- $4,200,000 Settlement for Victim of Fall from Defective Ladder
- $4,250,000 for Rear End Crash Victim
- $4,250,000 For Union Excavator Injured While Working In Brooklyn Navy Yard
- $4,450,000 Settlement in Brooklyn On-Site Fall Accident
- $4,475,000 Settlement for Young Children of Construction Worker Killed in Fall at Jobsite
- $4,500,000 Settlement for Injured Worker with Permanent Disability
- $4,600,000 Settlement for Spinal Cord Injury After a Serious Collision
- $4,650,000 for a 42 year old laborer who fell from warehouse shelf and suffered fractured ribs and herniated lumbar disc
- $4,750,000 Award for Union Transit Worker Struck by New York City Sanitation Vehicle
- $4,750,000 For Union Laborer Struck By Flying Rock From Construction Site Blast
- $4,995,000 for a laborer that was injured while working on unsteady flooring at a construction site
- $4.5 Million Settlement: Hoist Accident on Construction Site
- $4.5 Million Settlement: Trip and Fall at Work Site
- $5 Million for Local 282 Teamster Hurt on the Job
- $5 Million Result for IATSE Local 1 Rigger Hurt on the Job
- $5,000,000 Electric Shock Settlement for Construction Worker
- $5,030,572 for a construction worker that was injured when a scaffold tipped over
- $5,160,916 for Landscaper With Spine Injuries From a Car Crash
- $5,500,000 Award for NYPD Officer Injured in the Line of Duty
- $5,500,000 Awarded to Trucking Accident Victim
- $5,500,000 for an electrician who fell from an extension ladder and sustained a head injury
- $5,500,000 for Nassau County construction worker
- $5,500,000 for Truck Driver Injured in Elevator Accident
- $5,750,000 Result for Demolition Laborer Injured on Job Site
- $5,850,000 Settlement: Kitchen Ceiling Collapse Due To Water Leak
- $5,885,000 Awarded To Undocumented Worker In Construction Accident Case
- $5,900,000 For Union Bricklayer In NYC School Renovation Accident
- $53.5 Million for Worker Paralyzed in Construction Site Fall
- $6 Million Settlement for Worker Who Fell From Exterior Scaffold
- $6 Million Settlement in New York Birth Injury Lawsuit
- $6,000,000 for Man Injured in NYC Bus Accident
- $6,000,000 Settlement for Union Operating Engineer Who Fell Through Opening In Crane During Manhattan Construction Project
- $6,080,408 Verdict for Worker in NYC Scaffold Collapse
- $6,793,881 for Union Laborer in Water Treatment Plant Accident
- $6.4 Million for Spinal Injuries, Including Fractured Coccyx & Sacrum
- $6.5 Million Settlement for Worker with Permanent Partial Disability
- $6.5 Million Verdict for Labor 731 Construction Worker Injured in Queens
- $7 Million Settlement: Client Injured in Elevator Shaft Fall
- $7,000,000 for Union Carpenter After a Scaffold Injury
- $7,300,000 Settlement for Loss of Limb
- $7,400,000 For Union Sheet Metal Worker Who Suffered Back Injury After Fall
- $7,525,000 For Family After Fatal Auto Accident
- $7.2 Million Settlement - Fatal Fall Down Elevator Shaft
- $750,000 Settlement for Wrist Fracture Injury After On-the-Job Accident
- $8 Million Verdict for Severe Knee Injuries After Rear-End Crash
- $8,000,000 Settlement for a Pedestrian Who Was Hit by NYC Bus
- $8.8 Million Settlement for Brain Injury After Car Accident
- $825,000 Awarded to Man Injured in DUI Accident
- $9 Million Settlement for Minor Injured in Premises Liability Case
- $9,263,326 Awarded to Client with Nerve Damage After Collision
- $9,500,000 Settlement for Pedestrian Hit by NYCTA Bus
- $9,792,412 Awarded to Medical Malpractice Victim
- $9,950,000 Settlement: Amputation After Car Accident
- $9.75 Million Settlement in Long Island Construction Accident
- $900,000 Awarded to Homemaker Injured in Rear-end Crash
- $940,000 Awarded to 39-Year-Old Injured in Car Accident
- $950,000 Awarded to Driver Injured in Truck Accident
- $950,000 Settlement For A Restaurant Manager Who Claimed Disability Discrimination By His Employer
- 29 Year-Old Refrigeration Apprentice Recovers $1,250,000 After Ladder Fall
- 31 Year-Old Cook Recovers Over Two Million Dollars For Trauma-Related Seizure Disorder
- 50 Year-Old Man Recovers $1,975,000 for Lower Back Injuries
- 51 Year-Old Medical Tech Recovers For Spine Injury After Collision With Sunoco Oil Tanker
- Auto Accident Victim Recovers $1,750,000 for Lower Back Injury
- Bad Faith Action Yields A $2,850,000 Result For Union Member
- Car Accident Victim Recovers $1,200,000 for Worsening of Pre-Existing Condition
- Car Accident Victim Recovers $950,000 Out Of Available $1,000,000 Insurance Policy
- Car Accident Victim Successful Despite Pre-Existing Condition
- Collision Leads to $1,065,000 Recovery
- Construction Accident Case Results
- Construction Accident Victim Receives $2,225,000 for Back and Neck Injuries
- Construction Accident Victim Recovers $4,000,000 for Knee and Elbow Injuries
- Construction Laborer Recovers $1,150,000 after Saw-Blade Accident
- Construction Worker Recovers $6,250,000 in Putnam County Suit Despite 2 Million Dollar Limitation in Insurance Coverage
- Driver Rear-Ended in White Plains, New York Recovers $1.1 Million
- Elevator Accident Victim Awarded $1,900,000 Settlement for Shoulder and Neck Injuries
- Employment Law Results
- Falling Object Accident Leads to $2,150,000 Recovery for Union Carpenter
- Injured Demolition Worker Receives $750,000 for Shoulder and Arm Injuries
- Jury Awards 40 Year-Old Brooklyn Court Clerk More Than 3.3 Million Dollars After Collision
- Jury Awards Carpenter $5,000,000 For Injuries Sustained in Fall From a Scaffold
- Jury Awards Electrician Helper $5,000,000 For Injuries In Work Related Fall During Construction
- Laborer Awarded $3,750,000.00 For Leg Injuries Sustained When He Was Struck By A Falling Steel Beam
- Ladder Fall Leads to $4,900,000 Recovery for Injured Electrician
- Local 3 Electrician Recovers $2,600,000 in Suit Against Con Edison for Work Related Electrical Injury
- Medical Malpractice Case Results
- Motor Vehicle Accident Case Results
- Multiple Motor Vehicle Accidents Results in Award of $1,025,000 for Injured New York City Service Inspector
- Pedestrian Accident Victim Awarded $2,750,000 for Neck Injuries
- Personal Injury Case Results
- Physical Therapy Session Results in Aggravation of Longstanding Neck Injuries
- Plaintiff Awarded $1,250,000 Due to Spine Injuries Sustained in Crash
- Plaintiff Awarded $2,000,000 in Queens Suit For Back Injuries Against The City of New York
- Scaffold Accident Victim Recovers for Back and Neck Injuries
- Settlement Awarded to NYPD Sergeant Injured in Car Accident
- Settlement for Auto Accident Victim With Neck Injuries
- Spouse Recovers $2,250,000 on Behalf of Elevator Erector Killed in Construction Accident
- Tragic Long Island Collision Results In $3,000,000 Wrongful Death Recovery
- Undocumented Construction Worker Recovers $1,350,000 in Finger Amputation Suit
- Union Laborer Awarded $2,700,000.00 For Ankle Injury Sustained In Fall At Construction Site
- Union Laborer Recovers for Leg Injuries Sustained in Construction Accident
- Union Worker Awarded $10,000,000 After Deadly Building Collapse
- Victim of Drunk Driving Awarded $9.75 Million Settlement
- Welder Awarded $ 1,725,000 For Injuries Sustained In Ladder Fall
- Woman Recovers $3,000,000 for Injuries Sustained in Garbage Truck Accident
- Wrongful Death Settlement Awarded in Garbage Truck Accident Case
- Video Center
- What Injured Workers Need to Know
- Work Accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Defective Products Causing Wrongful Death
- Fatal Car Accidents
- Fatal Construction Accidents
- Fatal Pedestrian Accidents
- Fatal Truck Accidents
- Medical Malpractice & Wrongful Death
- New York Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations
- Pain and Suffering
- Punitive Damages
- Wrongful Death Case Examples
- Wrongful Death Claims
- Wrongful Death Damage FAQs
- Wrongful Death Damages
- Wrongful Death Lawsuit FAQs
- Wrongful Death of a Child or Elderly Person