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New York Staging Collapse Accident Lawyers

Were You Injured by Construction Site Staging or Scaffolding That Collapsed?

Every year, falls cause the greatest number of construction industry fatalities. These falls occur for a variety of reasons, including slippery surfaces, missing or misused fall protection equipment, human error and improper staging or scaffolding construction. Poorly constructed staging is prone to collapse and can often result in falls, serious injuries or death.

Unstable staging is a widespread problem in New York. In September 2011, scaffolding on a Harlem building collapsed onto a New York City bus, injuring 18 people. In April 2012, construction site staging collapsed outside a 17th-story window of an Upper East Side building, leaving three construction workers dangling perilously.

At the premier New York law firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy, our New York staging collapse accident attorneys boldly stand up for the rights of those who have been injured in construction site accidents throughout the five boroughs and beyond. With several lawyers serving as members of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association’s Labor Law Committee, we help lead the fight to protect workers in New York.

Our experience has also allowed us to recover more than 300 verdicts and settlements in excess of $1 million dollars each for injured individuals. In one recent case, our law firm obtained a $3,700,000 verdict* for an asbestos worker injured in a scaffolding collapse.

Consult a Stage Collapse Injury Attorney Serving New York

Did you suffer serious injuries in a negligence-related New York staging collapse or scaffolding accident? If so, our law firm is here to help. Learn how Block O’Toole & Murphy may be able to obtain monetary compensation for your lost wages, medical bills and other damages.

Get a FREE case evaluation from an experienced lawyer at Block O’Toole & Murphy by calling us at 212-736-5300, or contact us online today.

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*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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