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NYC Construction Accident Lawyers

Were You Injured by Debris Left on Stairs or on a Roof due to Negligent Construction Site Safety?

Nobody expects a construction site to look like a ballroom with gleaming, dust-FREE floors. Construction work naturally generates some dirt and debris. However, when the debris and clutter accumulates near open holes in the floor, on unfinished roofs or on stairways, workers are at risk for dangerous slips, trips and falls.

It is generally the responsibility of the construction site supervisor to make sure that work areas are FREE from materials that may cause an accident. When a supervisor is negligent in this duty and injuries result, the injured worker may have the right to recover additional money for his or her medical bills, lost wages, suffering and other damages on top of what he or she collects from workers’ compensation.

Premier Representation for Job Site Accident Victims

Block O’Toole & Murphy is a premier New York personal injury firm that represents construction site accident victims throughout the state. Our construction site injury lawyers have extensive experience recovering maximum compensation for clients who have suffered workplace accidents as a result of third-party negligence or recklessness.

Aggressive, knowledgeable and committed to providing personalized attention, our attorneys maintain a highly impressive record of results, including over 300 verdicts and settlements exceeding $1 million dollars*.

Debris left on in walkways, on stairs, on rooftops or in other work areas can cause many different types of construction site accidents. Our law firm handles workplace debris cases that include but are not limited to:

Consult a Construction Safety Attorney Serving New York

If you were injured in a serious construction-related accident involving debris on stairs or in work areas, schedule a FREE consultation with the experienced construction injury attorneys at the New York City law firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy. Call us at 212-736-5300, or contact us online today. Serving Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, and all of NYC and New York State.

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*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

& Work Injuries

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