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New York Wound Infections Attorneys

Injured New York construction workers should be given immediate medical attention to avoid infections.

When a New York construction worker suffers a wound while on the job, immediate medical attention is necessary to avoid infection. First aid should be administered on the scene and emergency medical personnel should be contacted to provide additional medical care. It is important to cover and close severe wounds as soon as possible to avoid excessive blood loss and infection. Bacteria may enter the wound and interfere with the healing process. Nails coated with copper wiring are one common source of blood infections at construction sites. When infected wounds are left untreated, the immune system can become compromised and serious health problems or death can result.

Call for a Free Consultation After a Job-Related Wound Infection

If you have suffered a serious infection after being injured while working construction, you may be eligible for compensation.  To learn about your rights and options, call the New York attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy at 212-736-5300 or contact us online for a FREE consultation.

Negligence and Construction Injury Lawsuits

Though accidents happen on New York construction sites every day, some of them are preventable. If you were wounded due to someone else’s negligence, or if the infection that developed could have been prevented, you may have legal recourse. A construction accident lawyer with experience can review the facts of your case and determine if another party is liable for your injuries.

In many construction accidents, the contractors, property owners, and construction management companies are responsible for jobsite safety. A successful lawsuit will hold them accountable for their action or inaction according to the law, and could recover compensation for the victim’s medical bills, time out of work, and pain and suffering.

Call Our NYC Work Accident Attorneys.  Free Consultation.

If you are the victim of a wound infection, you may be eligible for compensation. Fill out a case evaluation form for FREE legal advice from a lawyer today. You may also call our NYC attorneys at 212-736-5300.

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