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Block O’Toole & Murphy’s Blog

Work Injuries Common Among Hotel Maids and Housekeepers

Few people think about the housekeepers and maids in New York City hotels. That is reflected by the fact that 31 percent do not leave tips for housekeepers and maids. These workers are often invisible. Yet, according to an article in USA Today, not only do these...

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NYC Construction Worker Killed By Falling Concrete Slab

The New York City attorneys at Block O'Toole & Murphy are reporting on a developing story of a tragic Manhattan construction accident. According to various media reports, a 27 year-old construction worker was crushed to death today when a concrete slab fell on him...

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On-the-Job Injuries Among Bricklayers and Masons

Injuries and illnesses affect bricklayers and masons more than the national average; this is true for most construction-related trades. Academic researchers and government agencies have identified conditions and circumstances more likely to result in on-the-job injury...

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Hazards of Nail Salons

When thinking about workplace injuries, most of us think about heavy labor jobs, such as construction or the back-breaking work of turning patients in health care facilities. The nail salon, found on almost every commercial block in New York City, has its own...

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Hot Work and its Hazards

Unless you work in an industry where the term is commonly used, the notion of "hot work" could mean getting out on a roof in the middle of July. Hot work is defined by the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) as burning, grinding, cutting, welding or similar...

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Tragic Elevator Accident in Flushing, Queens

The New York lawyers at Block O'Toole & Murphy are following a very sad story that is hitting the news this morning. A man died after falling down a broken elevator shaft in the Flushing section of Queens. An unidentified man was killed yesterday after falling...

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