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Block O’Toole & Murphy’s Blog

Is Failure to Yield a Criminal Offense?

Under Mayor Bill de Blassio's plan to eliminate traffic fatalities, known as Vision Zero, the failure of motor vehicle drivers to yield to pedestrians is now a criminal offense in New York City. However, prosecuting drivers who kill or injure pedestrians may become...

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Kenny Valette, 20, Killed in Tractor Trailer Collision

The legislation behind New York's "Vision Zero" has been written with the blood of victims like Kenny Valette. Valette, a 20-year-old man from the Bronx, was fatally struck by a tractor-trailer last evening. Valette was crossing Webster Avenue near E. 174th St. when...

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Should I File a Personal Injury Claim or a Lawsuit? Part 2

Our previous blog post described a hypothetical car accident insurance claim and an insurance claim that leads to a demand letter. This post will discuss the circumstances under which you should consider talking with a lawyer about filing a personal injury lawsuit. We...

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Should I File a Personal Injury Claim or a Lawsuit? Part 1

The terms "claim" and "lawsuit" are used frequently in this blog and most other personal injury websites. In many instances they are used interchangeably. But are they really the same thing? The answer is that a personal injury claim and a personal injury lawsuit are...

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Having The Right Judge Should Matter to Everyone

Every state employs a somewhat imperfect system in deciding who is the right candidate to be named a judge. Some permit judges to be appointed by local politicians. Others hold elections where voters decide who should sit on the bench. Some states have systems where...

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Ten Causes of Workplace Injury

An insurance industry publication, Claims Journal, provides insight into the most common work injuries in the United States. Drawing upon state and federal statistics and insurance industry information, the article identified the 10 most common causes of workplace...

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Elevator Accident Highlights Dangers

An elevator accident killed a 30-year-old mechanic on the Upper West Side of Manhattan last Friday, according to news sources. The worker was in an elevator shaft at 75 West End Avenue when an empty elevator car descended three floors, crushing him. A man who lives in...

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