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New York Labor and Delivery Negligence Lawyers

Fighting for Maximum Compensation After a Birth Injury

Doctors, nurses, obstetricians and other medical professionals involved in labor and delivery have the responsibility to perform their duties in an accurate and timely manner in order to ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and child. When medical negligence occurs, it can have irreparable repercussions on the entire family at a time when a family is hoping to celebrate. We understand the impact that labor and delivery malpractice can have on a young family. We will fight to make sure you obtain justice.

At the premier personal injury law firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy, we have an outstanding record of success helping New York families obtain the monetary compensation they need and deserve for their child after a birth injury.

In one case, our New York labor and delivery negligence attorneys obtained a $2.3 million settlement for an infant who suffered an injury to the large colon due to a pediatrician’s negligence. This settlement will result in an $18,074,933.08 payout over the infant’s lifetime. To view a full list of the successful results our lawyers have obtained, please visit our Verdicts & Settlements page.

Medical Malpractice Involving Labor and Delivery

Block O’Toole & Murphy is here to advocate for you with compassion and skill after any type of negligence-related labor and delivery injury. Examples of potential negligence or malpractice may include:

Injuries caused by improper use of forceps during delivery can result in a variety of serious injuries to the infant, including facial nerve damage, bone fractures and more. Other types of negligence during labor or delivery can cause brain injury, spinal cord injury and other catastrophic damages that may affect the child for the rest of his or her life.

Consult an Attorney for the Improper Use of Forceps or Other Negligence

Do you think you may have a birth injury case? If so, request a FREE case evaluation from the experienced New York City medical negligence attorneys at Block O’Toole & Murphy today. Call us at 212-736-5300, or contact us online. We serve clients in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and throughout the state.

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*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Medical Malpractice

Free Consultation with a Block O’Toole & Murphy Attorney

For a consultation with one of our injury attorneys, please call 212-736-5300 or fill out the online form below.

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